Again on All humans love (all) cats

I may have missed some message in this thread, but I still 
do not understand whether

   pHuman o topObjectProperty o pCat SubPropertyOf loves

is acceptable in OWL 2 DL, or it isn't because it brings 
in a circular dependency between loves and 

I made a few experiments with existing reasoners: the 
chain subproperty axiom works fine with HermiT (I mean it 
infers all assertions of form loves(human,cat)), does not 
work with Pellet (no assertion of form loves(human,cat) is 
inferred), and it makes my Fact++ crash.



PS. Here is my ontology:

Class: Human
     EquivalentTo: pHuman some owl:Thing
Class: Cat
     EquivalentTo: pCat some owl:Thing
ObjectProperty: identity
     SubPropertyOf: owl:topObjectProperty
     Characteristics: Functional, Reflexive
ObjectProperty: pHuman
     SubPropertyOf: identity
ObjectProperty: pCat
     SubPropertyOf: identity
ObjectProperty: loves
     SubPropertyOf: owl:topObjectProperty
     SubPropertyChain: pHuman o owl:topObjectProperty o 
     Domain: Human
     Range: Cat

Received on Wednesday, 13 October 2010 08:07:03 UTC