Property and Value Inheritance down Subclasses


I'm running Joseki+Pellet. I want the properties and corresponding values of
a Class to be inherited down its subclasses.

So for instance, with the code below, I want <urn:ITEM:1234:REV-1> to
inherit the value of myitem:title from its parent.. So after inference
<urn:ITEM:1234:REV-1> returns the myitem:title value of "Original Name".

Please can someone show me how I should write this in Triples, as what I
have below does not give me a title value for <urn:ITEM:1234:REV-1>after
reasoning by Pellet.. Any help or guidance will be highly valued!

@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix myitem: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .

myitem:info rdf:type rdf:Class .
myitem:title rdf:type rdf:Property .

myitem:title rdfs:domain myitem:info .
myitem:title rdfs:range dc:title .

myitem:rev rdfs:subClassOf myitem:info .

<urn:ITEM:1234> rdf:type myitem:Product .

<urn:ITEM:1234> dc:identifier <urn:ITEM:1234> .

<urn:ITEM:1234:info> rdf:type myitem:info .
<urn:ITEM:1234:info> myitem:title "Original Name" .

<urn:ITEM:1234:REV-1> rdf:type myitem:rev .

Received on Monday, 8 March 2010 13:24:15 UTC