OWL Restrictions and RDF Named Graphs

Hi All,

Given two named graphs:

<http://ex.org/groups> {
  <http://ex.org/groups#g1> sioc:has_member <http://ex.org/john#me> .

<http://ex.org/john> {
  <http://ex.org/john#me> sioc:member_of <http://ex.org/groups#g1> .

and given that:

 sioc:has_member owl:inverseOf sioc:member_of .

then given the following 2 restrictions:

  _:a owl:equivalentClass [
	a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:hasValue <http://ex.org/groups#g1> ;
	owl:onProperty sioc:member_of
  ] .

  _:b owl:equivalentClass [
	a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:hasValue <http://ex.org/groups#g1> ;
	owl:onProperty [ owl:inverseOf sioc:has_member ]
  ] .

and that we know <http://ex.org/john#me> at processing time (but not at
owl creation time), and further that we need to be able to infer which
of the two named graphs to ask, then would it be fair to say:

the class _:a equates to asking the named graph <http://ex.org/john> if
it asserts that
  <http://ex.org/john#me> sioc:member_of <http://ex.org/groups#g1> .

the class _:b equates to asking the named graph <http://ex.org/groups>
if it asserts that
  <http://ex.org/groups#g1> sioc:has_member <http://ex.org/john#me> .

Thanks for any input,


Received on Wednesday, 21 April 2010 09:06:36 UTC