Inferring object properties- Is it possible to model in OWL?



Consider the following statement 

"All men like icecreams"


Assume the following  (please excuse the syntax)


TEST:Man  rdf:type  owl:class

TEST:Food  rdf:type  owl:class

TEST:Icecream  rdf:subclassof  TEST:Food

TEST:likes  rdf:type  owl:ObjectProperty

TEST:likes  rdf:domain   TEST:Man

TEST:likes  rdf:range       TEST:Icecream


TEST:sundar  rdf:type  TEST:Man

TEST:chocosundae  rdf:type TEST:IceCream



Without defining any rules , is it possible to infer the following

TEST:sundar  TEST:likes  TEST:chocosundae


I looked through all the axioms and other than property chaining , I
don't see any other axioms that lets inference of property values. Is it
possible to express the above in OWL without having any rules?

Basically I want a way by which a property links all instances of one
class to all possible instances of another class and I dont want to
explicitly specify the triples. It has to be inferred.  If for instance
, I add TEST:fudge as an instance of TEST:Icecream , the inference
should result in adding another triple , TEST:sundar  TEST:likes





Received on Wednesday, 23 December 2009 22:58:55 UTC