Re: owl:allValuesFrom inference

On Jun 25, 2009, at 4:38 AM, Bernhard Schandl wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a question regarding OWL DL inference. Given the following  
> axiom,
>  ex:ThingMadeByMan
>     a owl:Restriction ;
>     owl:onProperty ex:madeBy ;
>     owl:allValuesFrom ex:Man ;
>  .
> and the following assertions,
>  ex:Bart a ex:Man .
>  ex:Something ex:madeby ex:Bart .
> is there a way to enfore a reasoner to infer the following?
>  ex:Something a ex:ThingMadeByMan .

That does not follow from what you have written. Here's a  

Something madeBy Bart
Something madeBy Jane

with Jane not in the class Man. This satisfies all your assumptions,  
but Something is not in the class ThingMadeByMan.

There are several ways you could extend your axioms to fix this. One  
way would be to rule out Janes by saying that madeBy was functional,  
It would then follow, in this example, that Jane sameAs Bart. Or you  
could change allValuesFrom to someValuesFrom in your definition of  

Pat Hayes

> I was not able to produce this triple using the Pellet reasoner, and  
> I would be thankful for any hints. Probably I am missing some  
> constraints that I should add to the tbox?
> Best,
> Bernhard

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Received on Thursday, 25 June 2009 14:33:54 UTC