RE: Mapping to RDF Graphs and reification

Pierre-Antoine Champin wrote:

>Hi Bijan and Michael,
>The time of a lunch break, and I'm not sure again.
>(this is what is fun with paradoxes, even would-be paradoxes ;)
>Let us take my first example.
>>>  _:x rdf:type owl:NegativePropertyAssertion
>>>  _:x owl:sourceIndividual _:x
>>>  _:x owl:assertionProperty owl:sourceIndividual
>>>  _:x owl:targetIndividual _:x


>I guess you could simply say that no interpretation can possibly satisfy
>the semantic conditions of table 5.15, so there is no model, so the
>ontology is inconsistent. :-/
>However, what bothers me here, is that you can not cut the ontology into
>two consistent parts, whose respective consequences are contradictory.

You cannot do this with

  ex:x owl:differentFrom ex:x

either, right?

An ontology is inconsistent, if there is no interpretation that satisfies it. There is no requirement to have two consistent parts that contradict each other. 

(In the worst case, when OWL 2 Full would turn out to be internally inconsistent, then even the empty RDF graph would be an inconsistent ontology. But let's hope that this is not the case... this time.)


Dipl.-Inform. Michael Schneider
FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik Karlsruhe
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Received on Thursday, 4 December 2008 14:24:08 UTC