Re: OWL 1.1 docs (was RE: [ANN] New OWL Working Group Chartered)

On Sep 12, 2007, at 9:10 PM, Swanson, Tim wrote:

>> -----Original Message-----
>> Subject: [ANN] New OWL Working Group Chartered
>> As of today, we have a new OWL Working Group.
> Does this mean that the OWL 1.1 docs will be migrating from
> to

With the caveat that the WG has not made any decisions yet as it  
hasn't had any meetings yet so I can't say with 100% certainty what  
we'll do, the answer is "yes". :)

The formal starting point is the submission < 
2007/06/OWLCharter.html>. The documents have fixed typos  
and addressed some issues, so I imagine that the group will pick them  
up as the starting point.

There remains the question of what to do with the documents in space. My default is to redirect, but perhaps mirroring  
will be a better idea. Or providing some commentary or more easily  
access history log. I'm open to suggestions.


Received on Wednesday, 12 September 2007 20:53:16 UTC