RDF mapping of DataComplementOf

The current OWL 1.1 to RDF mapping appears to use owl:complementOf to 
represent DataComplementOf.  However, owl:complementOf is already used 
in class axioms as well and has owl:Class as domain and range.  It would 
break backwards compatibility if this property be reused.  I suggest to 
introduce a distinct new system property such as owl:dataComplementOf.

A related detail: the property that links a restricted datarange with 
its base is currently called owl:onDataRange.  This was probably done 
since earlier drafts had something like owl:DataRangeRestrictions, but 
(at least from my non-native English background) it reads strange to 
have an owl:DataRange with an owl:onDataRange value.  IMHO clearer 
alternatives would be owl:baseDataRange (more consistent with XSD spec 
which uses xsd:base) or owl:subDataRangeOf (consistent with OWL/RDF's 


Received on Thursday, 25 January 2007 18:37:21 UTC