Re: on owl:imports

Pat Hayes wrote:
> I agree. But I don't follow why you need this:


<> owl:imports <ex2.owl>.
<> owl:imports <ex3.owl>.

<eg:a> <eg:p> <eg:b> .

<eg:a> <eg:q> <eg:b> .

I believe a legal interpretation can have I(ex2.owl) = I(ex3.owl), (in 
fact these seem wholly unconstrained) and so ex1.owl does not 
necessarily have two owl:imports.

Using the named graphs extension to RDF semantics would fix this, for 
example, by requiring I(ex2.owl), I(ex3.owl) to be the two different 
singleton sets of triples listed. That extension, is, of course, 
designed to be compatible with OWL Full.


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Received on Friday, 15 June 2007 09:19:38 UTC