OWLED 2007 is nigh

See the eponymous post:

As I said there, I'm looking for suggestions for what to discuss at  
the "standardization" session. I'm not just looking for things that  
will go into working groups, but things that can guide  
implementors...de facto standards can be as important as de jure ones  
(and are faster to deploy).

I made a little taxonomy of potential proposals...which is bound to  
be controversial :) But it's what I'm using.

We have 90 people registered for OWLED thus far. If it is anything  
like the past ones, it will be a very energetic and enthusiastic  
event with a lot of carryover afterwards. Please feel free to send me  
any suggestions for topics to discuss!


Received on Tuesday, 29 May 2007 04:55:25 UTC