RE: OWL "Sydney Syntax", structured english

>And try this for properties corresponding to more active
>relationships, eg authorship. Start with Pat wrote/authored
>RDFSemantics, and keep the subject/object ordering. What word do you
>use after the has?

I'd suggest to first state the essential relationship between yourself and that
(amazing) document, and then to state the relationship between the document and
you as its author,

<Person rdf:about='Pat'>
  <Publication lgl:verb='has'>
     <DocumentThing rdf:about='RDFSemantics'>
         <Title lgl:verb='has'><rdf:Literal eng='RDF Semantics'/></Title>
         <Author rdf:resource='Pat' lgl:verb='has'/>

>... If this is natural English then Im a Dutchman.
In my view this syntax should be clear to the generalist or domain expert:

Person("Pat") has Publication("RDFSemantics")
Publication("RDFSemantics") has Title("RDF Semantics")
Publication("RDFSemantics") has Author("Pat")

The heart of the matter is recognizing verbs as a dimensional attribute of

> >>  How can one express a proposition using only nouns? My mother's name
> >>  is Betty. What does one say? Betty Motherhood Pat?

Say that "I have a Mother whose Name is 'Betty'

<Person rdf:about='Pat'>
  <Mother lgl:verb='has'>
     <Person rdf:about='Betty'>
        <Name lgl:verb='has'><rdf:Literal eng='Betty'/></Name>

Received on Wednesday, 29 November 2006 21:56:39 UTC