Re: OWL 1.1 bug list

Following are couple of typos and minor bugs in the OWL 1.1 RDF mapping 

* The mapping for  DataXXXCardinality constructs (qualified versions) 
uses "n" as the number in the functional-style syntax and uses "min" and 
"max" on the RDF translation.
* As a naming convention the properties should start with a lowercase 
letter so owl:DisjointUnionOf should be owl:disjointUnionOf
* In some parts of the RDF mapping document (e.g. ObjectUnionOf 
mapping)  horizontal ellipsis is written with a special character that 
only shows right if you ecplicitly set your browser options to use 
"Windows-1252" encoding.
* For user-defined datatypes XSD facets are used as owl:minInclusive, 
owl:maxInclusive, etc. But there are already well defined URI's in XSD 
specification as xsd:minInclusive, xsd:maxInclusive, etc. I think it 
would be better just to reuse these URI's rather than coining new ones.


On 11/20/2006 6:30 AM, Bernardo Cuenca Grau wrote:
> Here's the pointer
> Bernardo
> Bijan Parsia wrote:
>> Note that there was a slight miscommunication twixt Bernardo and me. 
>> This (HTML) list is intended to be on the OWL 1.1 website to indicate 
>> what bugs we've tracked and what the current status is. It'll be up 
>> there and a pointer posted to this list shortly.
>> Cheers,
>> Bijan.

Received on Tuesday, 21 November 2006 13:46:05 UTC