Re: perspectives on OWL and RDF

At 9:39 AM +0000 11/19/06, Bijan Parsia wrote:
>On Nov 18, 2006, at 1:40 AM, Bijan Parsia wrote:
>>  Sure. And there are large TBoxes from life sciences (for which the 
>>EL++ fragment was developed...but EL++ includes qualified number 
>> we sort of have to add them to the whole).
>>  Of course, none of us, at all, have done a formal market survey, 
>>so we're all giving impressions. Impressions are better at 
>>determining positives rather than negatives. We all hear, "rational 
>>subsets!" but perhaps you didn't hear, "Qualified number 
>>restrictions" (and, in EL++, they unite).
>SIgh. Ian points out to me that I got confused. EL++ does not 
>include QCRs, but it does include a form of complex role inclusions 
>(which was a motivation for adding them to OWL 1.1).
>Mes apologies.

Bijan - for those of us who aren't OWL insiders, how about a pointer 
to this EL++ thing, whatever it is.
Prof James Hendler
Dept of Computer Science
AV Williams Bldg				301-405-2696 (work)
Univ of Maryland				301-405-6707 (Fax)
College Park, MD 20853 USA

Received on Sunday, 19 November 2006 14:31:54 UTC