Re: Equivalent Classes in OWL

On Jul 27, 2006, at 1:47 PM, Luke Steller wrote:

> Hello,
> Given the following ontology - when i ask a reasoner (pellet) for
> equivalent classes of #GraphicSupport, it gives me:
> #GraphicSupport, #TradingStatus, #Thing
> Why is this so?

Looking at it a bit more (silly me :)), you make TradingStatus  
*equivalent to* Open or Close, and Close is *equivalent to* the  
negation of Open.

Thus, TradingStatus is equal to P or ~ P, i.e., to Thing. (I suspect  
you want open and close to be *disjoint*)

And you do the same thing, basically, with Colour and BlackAndWhite.


Received on Thursday, 27 July 2006 13:12:09 UTC