Typo in current "OWL 2 Primer (Second Edition)" at "5.2 Property Restrictions"


I think there are two typos in the current "OWL 2 Primer (Second
Edition)" at "5.2 Property Restrictions".

There, in the "HappyPerson" example, if you show all syntaxes you may
notice following lines:

RDF/XML Syntax:

   <owl:Class rdf:about="HappyPerson"/>
       <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="hasChild"/>
       <owl:allValuesFrom rdf:resource="HappyPerson"/>
I think the first line is redundant.

And for both Turtle and OWL/XML Syntaxes, the owl:allValuesFrom should
have ":HappyPerson" as the object rather than ":Happy".
I this is useful to you.

Yi Luo

Received on Friday, 8 March 2013 10:11:11 UTC