Re: Declaration consistency/RDF Parsing


I added this to the list of errata [1].



On 25 Jul 2011, at 08:28, Alan Ruttenberg wrote:

> It may be worth clarifying the following:
> says:
> An ontology O is said to have consistent declarations if each IRI I occurring in the axiom closure of O in position of an entity with a type T is declared in O as having type T. OWL 2 ontologies are not required to have consistent declarations: an ontology may be used even if its declarations are not consistent. 
> However, in the RDF parsing spec, it seems we *do* need declaration consistency. 
> For example:
> _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction .
> _:x owl:onProperty y .
> _:x owl:hasSelf "true"^^xsd:boolean .
> { OPE(y) ≠ ε }  ObjectHasSelf( OPE(y) )
> Here we wouldn't say { OPE(y) ≠ ε } 
> If declaration consistency was optional we would only need DPE(y) = ε, APE(y) = ε
> As it is now we have "At the end of this process, the graph G must be empty.". So if OPE(y) = ε these triples would not be parsed, we would end parsing the RDF with the "MUST" violated. That situation is potentially confusing [1] given "an ontology may be used even if its declarations are not consistent", although technically that statement would only apply to the *results* of the RDF parsing which are apparently always declaration consistent.
> Perhaps a note either in Syntax 5.8.2 or somewhere in Mapping to RDF Graphs.
> -Alan
> [1]

Received on Monday, 15 August 2011 12:42:09 UTC