Inconsistency - Manchester Syntax - Datatype Restrictions


I've just noticed an inconsistency in the "OWL 2 Manchester Syntax" 

Section 3 "Quick Reference" contains:

    Datatype: NegInt
       Annotations: ...
       EquivalentTo: integer[< 0]

which intuitively means that the value space of NegInt contains all 
integers less than 0. However, in Section 4.2 "Formal Description for 
Mapping to OWL 2 Function-Style Syntax" the following transformations 
are prescribed:

    <=  xsd:minInclusive
    <   xsd:minExclusive
    >=  xsd:maxInclusive
    >   xsd:maxExclusive

Then, according to, the value space of 
NegInt in the above example contains all integers greater than 0!

Intuitively, the transformations should be (this is also how Protégé 4.1 
transforms from Manchester Syntax):

    <=  xsd:maxInclusive
    <   xsd:maxExclusive
    >=  xsd:minInclusive
    >   xsd:minExclusive

If my intuition is correct, then the first example in Section 7 
"Advanced Use of Datatypes" in the "OWL 2 primer" document should also 
be corrected:


    Datatype: personAge
      EquivalentTo: integer[<= 0 , >= 150]


    Datatype: personAge
      EquivalentTo: integer[>= 0 , <= 150]

Best regards,


Dr. Bernd Neumayr
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
+43 70 2468-9417

Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik - Data & Knowledge Engineering
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Altenberger Strasse 69, A-4040 Linz

Received on Thursday, 18 November 2010 10:56:57 UTC