owl2 primer turtle examples bugs

just informing about mistakes in turtle examples in section about
property restrictions.

 []  rdf:type             owl:Class ;
     :HappyPerson ;
     owl:equivalentClass  [
       rdf:type           owl:Restriction ;
       owl:onProperty     :hasChild ;
       owl:allValuesFrom  :Happy
     ] .

should be:

 :HappyPerson  rdf:type             owl:Class ;
     owl:equivalentClass  [
       rdf:type           owl:Restriction ;
       owl:onProperty     :hasChild ;
       owl:allValuesFrom  :Happy
     ] .


 []  rdf:type             owl:Class ;
     :HappyPerson ;
     owl:equivalentClass  [
       rdf:type            owl:Class ;
       owl:intersectionOf  ( [ rdf:type            owl:Restriction ;
                               owl:onProperty      :hasChild ;
                               owl:allValuesFrom   :Happy            ]
                             [ rdf:type            owl:Restriction ;
                               owl:onProperty      :hasChild ;
                               owl:someValuesFrom  :Happy            ]
     ] .

should be:

 :HappyPerson  rdf:type             owl:Class ;
     owl:equivalentClass  [
       rdf:type            owl:Class ;
       owl:intersectionOf  ( [ rdf:type            owl:Restriction ;
                               owl:onProperty      :hasChild ;
                               owl:allValuesFrom   :Happy            ]
                             [ rdf:type            owl:Restriction ;
                               owl:onProperty      :hasChild ;
                               owl:someValuesFrom  :Happy            ]
     ] .

I hope I'm right and this is useful to you.


Received on Saturday, 9 January 2010 20:54:53 UTC