comment on OWL1.1 Syntax: stale reference

Dear OWL WG,

In glancing at [1] in response to your recent transition request, I 
noticed that you have a reference to RFC 3066. This RFC was superseded 
by RFC 4646 (and should be referenced as BCP 47, to prevent it becoming 
stale in the future).

I also note that this reference isn't used anywhere in the document, 
which is a little surprising, since I would expect that some of the 
axioms to be language specific or allow for language specificity (in 
which case you'll need language tags).

Note: this is a personal comment and not (at least not yet) an official 
comment of the I18N Core WG.

Best Regards,


Addison Phillips
Globalization Architect -- Yahoo! Inc.
Chair -- W3C Internationalization Core WG

Internationalization is an architecture.
It is not a feature.

Received on Friday, 11 January 2008 17:33:39 UTC