RTP/RTCP routing rules

Recently, RTP and RTCP routing rule text has been incorporated into the BUNDLE draft:

In Section 13.4, the ORTC specification currently references the BUNDLE RTCP routing rules (see: http://draft.ortc.org/#rtcpmatchingrules*). 

However, we have not yet harmonized the RTP matching rule text in Section 8.3 with the BUNDLE RTP routing rules.

In ORTC, there are currently several open issues relating to RTP routing: 

Issue 368: Algorithm in "RTP matching rules" ignores FEC/RTX/RED packets
Issue 546: RTP matching rules when no encoding.rtx.ssrc is given
Issue 547: RTP matching rules: don't remove pt_table[packet.pt]

My understanding is that the text that has been incorporated into BUNDLE addresses these issues: 

Issue 368: The proposed algorithm adds SSRCs relating to RTX and FEC to the ssrc_table, and also adds PTs related to RTX and FEC to the pt_table. 
Issue 546: The proposed algorithm will add pt_table entries for RTX and FEC, regardless of whether ssrc_table entries have been added.
Issue 547:  The proposed algorithm does not remove entries from the pt_table. 

Assuming that the outstanding issues are indeed addressed by the BUNDLE RTP routing text (Iņaki - can you verify?) a potential way forward is to adapt the text in Section 8.3 to normatively reference the BUNDLE RTP routing rules. 

Received on Tuesday, 18 April 2017 17:34:46 UTC