from June 2016 by subject

[ortc] Closed Pull Request: Change log update

[ortc] Closed Pull Request: clarifications

[ortc] Closed Pull Request: rtcp.ssrc advice for implementations

[ortc] Confusing meaning of kind "" in RtpCodecCapability

[ortc] determining common capabilities

[ortc] Figures not using SVG format and respec Figure markup

[ortc] H264 `packetizationMode` array in `RtpCodecCapability`

[ortc] If multiple encodings are given, ssrcs are needed

[ortc] Meaning of "Liveness checks have failed" for `disconnected` ICE state is not clear

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: Clarify that encoding.codecPayloadType can be unset

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: RTCMediaStreamTrack.stop() from RTCRtpReceiver

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: Updated ICE transition state diagram

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: Use "required" attribute in specification

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: Use SVG and Figure markup for all figures

[ortc] Pull Request: Change log update

[ortc] Pull Request: clarifications

[ortc] Pull Request: rtcp.ssrc advice for implementations

[ortc] Pull Request: Use SVG for ICE transport state diagram

[ortc] Remove RTCRtpCodecCapability.kind

[ortc] RTCCertificate interface lacks getAlgorithm method

[ortc] RtpReceiver.send() must enforce stricter rules

[ortc] What should rtpReceiver.receive() with two (switched) encodings produce?

Closed: [ortc] Clarify that encoding.codecPayloadType can be unset

Closed: [ortc] Confusing meaning of kind "" in RtpCodecCapability

Closed: [ortc] Figures not using SVG format and respec Figure markup

Closed: [ortc] invalid ice state transition from checking to disconnected?

Closed: [ortc] Remove RTCRtpCodecCapability.kind

Closed: [ortc] RTCCertificate interface lacks getAlgorithm method

Closed: [ortc] RTCMediaStreamTrack.stop() from RTCRtpReceiver

Closed: [ortc] What is

Issue 558: Split simulcast encodings into N RtpReceivers

Issue 692: Meaning of "Liveness checks have failed" for `disconnected` ICE state is not clear

RTX/RED/FEC packet routing

Split simulcast encodings into N RtpSenders

Last message date: Thursday, 30 June 2016 17:23:33 UTC