[ortc] RTCIceGathererIceErrorEvent hostCandidate

robin-raymond has just created a new issue for 

==  RTCIceGathererIceErrorEvent hostCandidate ==
We have defined `hostCandidate` as a `DOMString`:

>`hostCandidate` of type `DOMString`
>The hostCandidate attribute is the local IP address and port used to 
communicate with the STUN or TURN server.

partial dictionary RTCIceGathererIceErrorEventInit : EventInit {
             DOMString      hostCandidate;

But shouldn't it be the actual structure:
partial dictionary RTCIceGathererIceErrorEventInit : EventInit {
             RTCIceGatherCandidate hostCandidate;

Seems it would be easier to correlate if we made an exact description.

Also, what would happen if there are no host candidates (privacy 

enum RTCIceGatherPolicy {

>The RTCIceGatherer gathers all ICE candidate types except for host 

Please view or discuss this issue at 
https://github.com/openpeer/ortc/issues/474 using your GitHub account

Received on Tuesday, 19 April 2016 12:39:27 UTC