Issue 235: Problems with Examples 5, 6 and 7

>From Jxck:

what is getRemoteParameters(iceTransport(j)) ?
this seems kind of strange code.

Examples 5, 6 and 7 with fixes applied:

// Example to demonstrate forking when RTP and RTCP are not multiplexed,
// so that both RTP and RTCP IceGatherer and IceTransport objects are needed.
// Include some helper functions
import "helper.js";

// Create ICE gather options
var gatherOptions = new RTCIceGatherOptions();
gatherOptions.gatherPolicy = RTCIceGatherPolicy.relay;
gatherOptions.iceservers = [
  { urls: "" },
  { urls: "", username: "user", credential: "myPassword" }

// Create ICE gatherer objects
var iceRtpGatherer = new RTCIceGatherer(gatherOptions);
var iceRtcpGatherer = iceRtpGatherer.createAssociatedGatherer();

// Prepare to signal local candidates
iceRtpGatherer.onlocalcandidate = function(event) {
  mySendLocalCandidate(event.candidate, RTCIceComponent.RTP);

iceRtcpGatherer.onlocalcandidate = function(event) {
  mySendLocalCandidate(event.candidate, RTCIceComponent.RTCP);

// Initialize the ICE transport arrays
var iceRtpTransports = [];
var iceRtcpTransports = [];

// Set up response function
mySignaller.onResponse = function(responseSignaller, response) {
  // We may get N responses

  // Create the ICE RTP and RTCP transports
  var iceRtpTransport = new RTCIceTransport(iceRtpGatherer);
  var iceRtcpTransport = iceRtpTransport.createAssociatedTransport();

  // Start the RTP and RTCP ICE transports so that outgoing ICE connectivity checks can begin
  iceRtpTransport.start(iceRtpGatherer, response.icertp, RTCIceRole.controlling);
  iceRtcpTransport.start(iceRtcpGatherer, response.icertcp, RTCIceRole.controlling);


  // Prepare to add ICE candidates signalled by the remote peer
  responseSignaller.onRemoteCandidate = function(remote) {
    // Locate the ICE transport that the signaled candidate relates to by matching the userNameFragment.
    var transports;
    if (remote.component === RTCIceComponent.RTP) {
      transports = iceRtpTransports;
    } else {
      transports = iceRtcpTransports;

    for (var j = 0; j < iceTransport.length; j++) {
      var transport = transports[j];
      if (transport.getRemoteParameters().userNameFragment === remote.parameters.userNameFragment)

  "icertp": iceRtpGatherer.getLocalParameters(),
  "icertcp": iceRtcpGatherer.getLocalParameters()

// This is an example of  how to offer ICE and DTLS parameters and
// ICE candidates and get back ICE and DTLS parameters and ICE candidates,
// and start both ICE and DTLS, when RTP and RTCP are multiplexed.
// Assume that we have a way to signal (mySignaller).
// Include some helper functions
import "helper.js";

function initiate(mySignaller) {
  // Prepare the ICE gatherer
  var gatherOptions = new RTCIceGatherOptions();
  gatherOptions.gatherPolicy = RTCIceGatherPolicy.all;
  gatherOptions.iceservers = [
    { urls: "" },
    { urls: "", username: "user", credential: "myPassword" }
  var iceGatherer = new RTCIceGatherer(gatherOptions);
  iceGatherer.onlocalcandidate = function(event) {

  // Initialize the ICE and DTLS transport arrays
  var iceTransports = [];
  var dtlsTransports = [];

  // Prepare to handle remote ICE candidates
  mySignaller.onRemoteCandidate = function(remote) {
    // Figure out which IceTranport a remote candidate relates to by matching the userNameFragment/password
    var j = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < iceTransport.length; j++) {
      var transport = iceTransports[j];
      if (transport.getRemoteParameters().userNameFragment === remote.parameters.userNameFragment)
    }  };
  // ... create RtpSender/RtpReceiver objects as illustrated in Section 6.4 Example 7.

    "ice": iceGatherer.getLocalParameters(),
    "dtls": dtls.getLocalParameters(),
    // ... marshall RtpSender/RtpReceiver capabilities as illustrated in Section 6.4 Example 7.
  }, function(remote) {
    // Create the ICE and DTLS transports
    var iceTransport = new RTCIceTransport(iceGatherer);
    iceTransport.start(iceGatherer,, RTCIceRole.controlling);
    // Issue 211: See:
    // The statement below constructs a RTCDtlsTransport object with a new certificate
    // and fingerprint which does not match what was offered (and accepted by the remote peer).
    // As a result, the remote peer will not be able to verify the fingerprint.
    var dtlsTransport = new RTCDtlsTransport(iceTransport);

    // ... configure RtpSender/RtpReceiver objects as illustrated in Section 6.4 Example 7.
// This is an example of how to answer with ICE and DTLS
// and DTLS parameters and ICE candidates and start both ICE and DTLS,
// assuming that RTP and RTCP are multiplexed.
// Include some helper functions
import "helper.js";

// Assume that remote info is signalled to us.
function accept(mySignaller, remote) {
  var gatherOptions = new RTCIceGatherOptions();
  gatherOptions.gatherPolicy = RTCIceGatherPolicy.all;
  gatherOptions.iceservers = [
    { urls: "" },
    { urls: "", username: "user", credential: "myPassword" }

  var iceGatherer = new RTCIceGatherer(gatherOptions);
  iceGatherer.onlocalcandidate = function(event) {

  // Create ICE and DTLS transports
  var ice = new RTCIceTransport(iceGatherer);
  var dtls = new RTCDtlsTransport(ice);

  // Prepare to handle remote candidates
  mySignaller.onRemoteCandidate = function(remote) {
  // ... create RtpSender/RtpReceiver objects as illustrated in Section 6.4 Example 7.

    "ice": iceGatherer.getLocalParameters(),
    "dtls": dtls.getLocalParameters()
    // ... marshall RtpSender/RtpReceiver capabilities as illustrated in Section 6.4 Example 7.

  // Start the ICE transport with an implicit gather policy of "all"
  ice.start(iceGatherer,, RTCIceRole.controlled);

  // Attempt to start the DTLS transport.  Unfortunately the remote DtlsTransport will not have the same
  // certificate/fingerprint as was signaled in the Offer, so that fingerprint verification will fail.

  // ... configure RtpSender/RtpReceiver objects as illustrated in Section 6.4 Example 7.

Received on Saturday, 12 September 2015 19:34:48 UTC