From WebRTC WG: Erik Lagerway as new co-chair of WebRTC Working Group

Hi all,

Recently I was asked to join the WebRTC WG as co-chair, I accepted, this
was sent out by the W3C staff earlier today.

For transparency sake I thought I would share it here as well.

Best regards,
Erik Lagerway
ORTC CG - Chair

---  From: Vivien Lacourba, W3C staff ---

We are  pleased to report that the W3C Director is nominating Erik
Lagerway (Hookflash) as an additional co-chair to the WebRTC Working

As our proposed new charter sets the path for convergence with the work
started in the ORTC Community Group, we expect Erik's experience in
leading that group will prove a great asset in finalizing the 1.0
version of the WebRTC API and in progressing on the path of convergence.

Please join us in welcoming our latest addition to the chairs team!

Dom, Vivien (staff contacts), Harald and Stefan (co-chairs)

Received on Thursday, 18 June 2015 20:18:04 UTC