Issue 167 - DTLS role


Right, you may want to force the role but I can’t see caring enough to have an event on what happened. I see that as more useful in diagnostics than in a true programmatic need. I think we should not add an event unless there is a specific use case requiring it.



The only reason I can think of that you might care is the server
determines the encryption algorithm etc on the Dtls. So you might
conceivably care, but in that case you should be specifying the
Dtls role not leaving it to auto.


Would anyone care that the role changed? And if they did, would
something in stats be good enough? I'm gonna go with "don't put it
in until someone really needs it”.


Question: Do we need an RTCDtlsRoleChangedEvent?


Received on Monday, 26 January 2015 23:03:40 UTC