- From: Bernard Aboba <Bernard.Aboba@microsoft.com>
- Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2015 19:36:50 +0000
- To: "public-ortc@w3.org" <public-ortc@w3.org>
Received on Monday, 5 January 2015 19:37:19 UTC
Here is the proposed revised text for Section 3.3.2: start The first time start() is called, candidate connectivity checks are started and the ICE transport attempts to connect to the remote RTCIceTransport. If start() is called with invalid parameters, throw an InvalidParameters exception. When start() is called again, RTCIceTransportState transitions to the "connected" state, all remote candidates are flushed, and addRemoteCandidates or setRemoteCandidates must be called to add the remote candidates back or replace them. If a newly constructed RTCIceGatherer object is passed as an argument when start() is called again, an ICE restart as defined in [RFC5245] Section occurs. If an RTCIceGatherer with RTCIceGathererState of "completed" is passed as an argument to start(), the existing (unpruned) local candidates are reused and the ICE ufrag/password remains unchanged. However, other aspects of the behavior in this case are not currently defined.
Received on Monday, 5 January 2015 19:37:19 UTC