Re: Issue 158: WebRTC 1.0 sync: H.264 parameters

draft-ietf-rtcweb-video-02 Section 5.2 includes a section defining H.264 capabilities and parameters.   The proposal is to revise Section to sync up with the draft, as follows: H.264

The following capabilities are defined for H.264, as noted in [RFC6184] Section 8.1, and [RTCWEB-VIDEO] Section 5.2.
Property Name




unsigned long

This parameter, defined in [RFC6184] Section 8.1, is mandatory to support, as noted in [RTCWEB-VIDEO] Section 5.2.


sequence<unsigned short>

A sequence of unsigned shorts, each ranging from 0 to 2, indicating supported packetization-mode values. As noted in [RTCWEB-VIDEO] Section 5.2, support for packetization-mode 1 is mandatory.

max-mbps, max-smbps, max-fs, max-cpb, max-dpb, max-br

unsigned long long

As noted in [RTCWEB-VIDEO] Section 5.2, these optional parameters allow the implementation to specify that they can support certain features of H.264 at higher rates and values than those signalled with profile-level-id.

Received on Wednesday, 29 October 2014 16:15:05 UTC