Re: FEC ssrc

Making the FEC stream has it's own SSRC and avoiding the current RED/FEC 
non-sense has always seemed the correct approach to me. So this are 
great news!

Do you know if this has been already presented/discussed at rtcweb?

In regards ORTC, this opens another question, how to associate several 
SSRCs in one RTPSender/RTPReceiver or be able to group different objects 
together. This seems to be already an issue with RTX packets (and I was 
already working on an email in this regards).

Best regards
On 20/10/2014 11:31, Singh Varun wrote:
> There are several issues with RFC5109, we have attempted to fix those 
> in 
> I hope WebRTC folks will review and give feedback. Discussion on the 
> PAYLOAD WG, and Github if you have pull requests 
>        Synchronization Source (SSRC):The SSRC value SHALL be randomly
>        assigned as suggested by [RFC3550  <>].  This allows the sender to
>        multiplex the source and repair flows on the same port, or
>        multiplex multiple repair flows on a single port.  The repair
>        flows SHOULD use the RTCP CNAME field to associate themselves with
>        the source flow.
>> On 17 Oct 2014, at 23:19, Sergio Garcia Murillo 
>> < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Yes sorry, dyslexia, quite late here..  :)
>> On 17/10/2014 22:16, Peter Thatcher wrote:
>>> I think you mean 5109
>>> On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 1:11 PM, Sergio Garcia Murillo 
>>> < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>>     Hi all,
>>>     One question, in the current draft it is stated:
>>>             9.10.1Dictionary|RTCRtpFecParameters|
>>>             <>Members
>>>     |mechanism|of typeDOMString
>>>         The Forward Error Correction (FEC) mechanism to use.
>>>     |ssrc|of typeunsigned long
>>>         The SSRC to use for FEC.
>>>     But according to RFC 5190:
>>>         Synchronization Source (SSRC): The SSRC value SHALL be the same as
>>>         the SSRC value of the media stream it protects.
>>>     So it doesn't seem right to allow configuring the ssrc of the
>>>     FEC stream
>>>     Best regards
>>>     Sergio

Received on Monday, 20 October 2014 09:46:17 UTC