- From: Singh Varun <varun.singh@aalto.fi>
- Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 19:48:17 +0000
- To: Bernard Aboba <Bernard.Aboba@microsoft.com>
- CC: "public-ortc@w3.org" <public-ortc@w3.org>
On 12 Oct 2014, at 04:42, Bernard Aboba <Bernard.Aboba@microsoft.com> wrote: > I am working on the assumption that 13.1-13.3 (getStats(), RTCStatsReport, and RTCStats) will remain, the enumeration will point to individual sections of webrtc-stats, and that 13.4 will be removed. > > There is still work needed on statistics relating to SVC (particularly for SST-SS where RTCP reporting would not break down loss by layer). > ORTC’s RTCRtpEncodingParameters object has the encodingId and identifies the individual layers. At the remote endpoint if the encodeIds are known, the receiver can generate the metrics for each of those encodingIds. For this we could possibly reuse inboundrtp stream, it would require extending the RTCRTPStreamStats with the encodingId. > > remotecandidate > ICE remote candidate statistics. It is accessed by RTCIceCandidateAttributes, defined in [WEBRTC-STATS] Section 5.8. > [BA] Is the right object for statistics on remote candidates? I believe the stats are reported on the candidate pair, meanwhile the local and remote candidates expose the attributes.
Received on Sunday, 12 October 2014 19:48:46 UTC