- From: Bernard Aboba <Bernard.Aboba@microsoft.com>
- Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 18:26:42 +0000
- To: "public-ortc@w3.org" <public-ortc@w3.org>
Proposed resolution is to delete Section 3.14 and add Section 5.4: 5.4 RTCIceGathererEvent The icecandidate event of the RTCIceGatherer object uses the RTCIceGathererEvent interface. Firing an RTCIceGathererEvent event named e with an RTCIceGatherCandidate candidate means that an event with the name e, which does not bubble (except where otherwise stated) and is not cancelable (except where otherwise stated), and which uses the RTCIceGathererEvent interface with the candidate attribute set to the new ICE candidate, must be created and dispatched at the given target. dictionary RTCIceGathererEventInit : EventInit { RTCIceGatherCandidate candidate; }; [Constructor(DOMString type, RTCIceGathererEventInit eventInitDict)] interface RTCIceGathererEvent : Event { readonly attribute RTCIceGatherCandidate candidate; }; 5.4.1 Attributes candidate of type RTCIceGatherCandidate, readonly The candidate attribute is the RTCIceGatherCandidate object with the new ICE candidate that caused the event. If candidate is of type RTCIceCandidateComplete, there are no additional candidates. 5.4.2 Dictionary RTCIceGathererEventInit Members candidate of type RTCIceGatherCandidate The ICE candidate that caused the event. ________________________________________ From: Bernard Aboba Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 9:55 AM To: public-ortc@w3.org Subject: Issue 161: Section 3.14: RTCIceTransportEvent Since the onlocalcandidate Event Handler is now associated with the RTCIceGatherer rather than RTCIceTransport, Section 3.14 needs to be renamed to RTCIceGathererEvent and moved into Section 5.
Received on Saturday, 15 November 2014 18:27:12 UTC