Sections 2.3 and 2.3: RTCDtlsTransport

2.2 Operation

A RTCDtlsTransport instance is optionally constructed from an RTCIceTransport object or an RTCIceTransport is automatically constructed.

[BA] Shouldn't this be "or an RTCDtlsTransport is automatically constructed"?

2.3 Interface Definition

[Constructor(optional RTCIceTransport transport)]
interface RTCDtlsTransport {
readonly attribute RTCIceTransport transport;
readonly attribute RTCDtlsTransportState state;
RTCDtlsParameters getLocalParameters ();
RTCDtlsParameters? getRemoteParameters ();
void start (RTCDtlsParameters remoteParameters);
void stop ();
attribute EventHandler? onstatechange;

[BA] Is an RTCIceTransport object really a readonly attribute?  If it is not supplied in the constructor, how is it subsequently provided?

Received on Monday, 17 March 2014 23:17:13 UTC