ORTC CG Meeting - December Postponement

We said that we were going to try and get another meeting in this year but
since there has not been a lot going on we are likely going to postpone
that meeting until January now.

It could be that there will be an update to the Editor's draft between now
and Christmas, here is the issue tracker...


I would also like to welcome those who have recently joined bringing our
total member participation to 88. I thought that some may find it
interesting we are now in the top 20 of the largest Community Groups in the
W3C (out of 183 groups listed).

Best regards,

*Erik Lagerway <http://ca.linkedin.com/in/lagerway> | *Hookflash
<http://hookflash.com/>* | 1 (855) Hookflash ext. 2 | Twitter
<http://twitter.com/elagerway> | WebRTC.is Blog <http://webrtc.is/> *

Received on Tuesday, 2 December 2014 20:37:40 UTC