Re: [ORCA - Object-RTC API Community Group] Comment: "Discussion and Consensus"

Yes, I noticed that.

Although, I would say the blog is more for News and Events, not general
discussion nor for API description.

General discussion should likely reside on the mail list. Anyone can
subscribe to the mail list, and if they are following the progress they
should be on it already.

The WIki is where the API should be outlined it seems but that should
likely not happen until we agree on the actual structure of the API.
Meaning, we need to have a consensus on the structure and foundation of the
API before it goes up on the wiki. As it stands today, there does not seem
to be a consensus.

The ORTC Github repo should serve as a repo for the actual API (when it's
done being outlined in the wiki) and working code examples it seems.

So, to make it clear..

- Blog for news and events
- Mail list for discussion, decisions driven by consensus
- Wiki for API outline, when there is a consensus
- Github for actual API and code

Make sense?

Sorry everyone, new at this. Robin should be back on his feet in the next
couple of days and I am sure he will have something he will want to
contribute here as well.


Erik Lagerway | Mobile: 1.604.562.8647

On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 2:13 AM, Iñaki Baz Castillo <> wrote:

> New comment on your post "Discussion and Consensus"
> Author : Iñaki Baz Castillo (IP: ,
> E-mail :
> URL    :
> Whois  :
> Comment:
> I agree, but just two comments:
> - It seems that posts made in this website (W3 ORCA) are automatically
> sent as mail to That's great, but replies to that
> mail are not added as comment here in the post. Basically that means that
> we cannot use the mail for comments, right? That is a big problem, do
> people know it?
> - Writting code in this site is unfeasible. I've tryed it with pure HTML,
> but indentation gets automatically removed, etc etc. I strongly miss Github
> for pure code/API issues.
> You can see all comments on this post here:
> Permalink:
> Trash it:
> Spam it:

Received on Thursday, 29 August 2013 02:13:38 UTC