Re: Meeting next Monday 15th Feb

hi all, what link are we using for the meeting?

13. 02. 2021. u 23:06, Andy Robinson je napisao/la:
> Any suggestions are welcome.
> We have several countries using the system for the first time, and
> they all find ways to use it differently :-(
> - Andy
> On Sat, 13 Feb 2021 at 08:50, Duje Bonacci <> wrote:
>> Hi Martin, hi all,
>> sifting through the OT EA dataset today I bumped into one issue that I
>> would like to suggest as an additional topic for discussion for our
>> Monday's meeting.
>> Namely, while pulling data from this and other (national calendar)
>> datasets into Trackmeetings.Info calendar, I am having major problem
>> with extracting the competition program data, as it is totally
>> unstandardized. So I would like to suggest a simple format for
>> competition program item that contains all relevant information, is
>> easily extensible and would be easily interchangeable.
>> Best regards
>> duje
>> 12. 02. 2021. u 14:38, Duje Bonacci je napisao/la:
>>> Hi Martin,
>>> If it is not too much off-topic, I would like to suggest as an
>>> additional topic the status report of Zadar SporTech Fest 2021 event,
>>> of which Zadar AthTech Conference 2021 is a part. Actually the former
>>> grew out of the later and for that reason we would like to have the
>>> AthTech Conference stand out in the whole program of Fest's events.
>>> duje
>>> 12. 02. 2021. u 10:39, Martin Alvarez Espinar je napisao/la:
>>>> Dear CG member,
>>>> This is a reminder of our monthly Open Athletics meeting.
>>>> - Monday 15th Feb, at 14:00 UTC (09:00 Boston, 15:00 CET, see other
>>>> cities [1])
>>>> - Just join through your browser:
>>>> Agenda:
>>>> - OpenTrack API documentation. Better documents with real examples.
>>>> -, use cases to promote the data
>>>> - Data duplication (athletes). How do you handle this?
>>>> - AthTech news.
>>>> - AOB
>>>> Feel free to suggest topics for the agenda.
>>>> Talk to you on Monday!
>>>> Best,
>>>> Martin
>>>> [1]
>>>> Martin Alvarez-Espinar
>>>> European Research Institute
>>>> Huawei Technologies R&D Belgium NV
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>> --
>> ***********************************
>> Duje Bonacci, MSc
>> IAAF Athletes' Representative authorized by CAF/HAS
>> E:
>> T: 00385 98 469761
>> ***********************************
Duje Bonacci, MSc
IAAF Athletes' Representative authorized by CAF/HAS
T: 00385 98 469761

Received on Monday, 15 February 2021 14:04:34 UTC