Topics for Zadar'21 [Was: W3C Open Athletics (opentrack) CG Call]

Hi Duje, 

Thanks for your proposal in your previous email. I like the idea of discussing about the ethical aspects and those technologies that may help athletes in (un)fair way.  

I would like to submit another proposal. I liked Mirko's stories about how Tilastopaja found anomalies in athlete's performances along the seasons and just before key competitions. So, another session could address data processing to detect those anomalies. We could explore tools, algorithms to detect frauds or errors thanks to ICTs. 

Linked to this, we could include virtual competitions that becoming popular these days (Andy Robinson and his team have experience with this). There are many people around the world performing challenges on their own, and GPX is an open format that could be easily modified.  There are also "trusted" services to confirm those unofficial "records" (e.g., FKT [1]). 

This proposal could be focused on data analysis, but also to discuss this new paradigm of virtual competition.




-----Original Message-----
From: Duje Bonacci [] 
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2020 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: W3C Open Athletics (opentrack) CG Call

p.s especially since in Zadar we are hoping to bring together in one place the producers, users and regulators of these technologies so representatives of all involved parties would already be there to discuss the matter...

21. 12. 2020. u 13:01, Duje Bonacci je napisao/la:
> Dear all,
> just an idea for a possible agenda item for our next e-meeting:


> to-act-against-the-high-tech-shoes-131249
> Would it be useful/possible/interesting to try to set up a session in 
> Zadar dedicated to the ethical issues (of the kind described in this
> article) that the new technologies raise in athletics, as this is 
> obviously becoming a major topic that even WA focuses its efforts on?
> Cheers!
> duje
> 21. 12. 2020. u 12:16, Martin Alvarez Espinar je napisao/la:
>> Based on the recent discussions, this seems to be a good time slot 
>> for all. Feel free to suggest any topic for the agenda.
>> Join the meeting from your favorite Web browser: 

Duje Bonacci, MSc
IAAF Athletes' Representative authorized by CAF/HAS
T: 00385 98 469761


Martin Alvarez-Espinar
European Research Institute
Huawei Technologies R&D Belgium NV
Gaston Geenslaan 10, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium
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Received on Monday, 21 December 2020 14:25:24 UTC