Additional event codes in athlib

Hi all,

I'm adding some event codes to athlib, to support both real and
historic competitions in USA, Malta and Cyprus.    People might want
to consider adding these to a standard.

Add the suffix "Y" for yards.   110Y, 220Y,  440Y, 880Y =  distances
in yards.  Still contested in USA, and a lot of historic records
exist.   Any number of yards becomes a valid code.


SWT = Superweight Throw.  56lb / , contested at two Olympic Games, and
still contested at Masters throwing competitions.   (We already have
WT = Weight Throw).

BT = Ball Throw.  Common for younger kids - e.g. a Cricket or Tennis
ball.  Not a standardised implement.

ST = Stone Throw.  Contested with various sizes of rocks and stones in
several countries.   Not standardised.

OT = Other Throw.  Can be used for any throwing event. Not standardised.

GDT = Greek Discus Throw.  Traditional implement, being contested this
weekend in Cyprus and presumably in Greece too.    (If we ever find
any engraved field cards from 2000 years ago, we can use this one!)

Best Regards

Andy Robinson

Andy Robinson

Received on Thursday, 22 March 2018 19:45:56 UTC