- From: Martin Alvarez-Espinar <martin.alvarez@fundacionctic.org>
- Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2017 17:08:44 +0000
- To: Nicolas Launois <nicolas.launois@european-athletics.org>, Andy Robinson <andy@reportlab.com>
- Cc: Ivan Kachkivskyi <ivan.work.mail@gmail.com>, Martin Alvarez-Espinar <martin@w3.org>, public-opentrack <public-opentrack@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAL8AgZRCuh7fED4cPQ5-NgNnAV=MxT0JUawMadsOb7esODiExA@mail.gmail.com>
Dear all, Just to continue with the discussion on how to represent the calendar of competitions, I've been researching on the existing vocabularies. This is a proposal that I think covers all the requirements you have mentioned. (terms simplified for a clearer notation) { "name": [ { "@value" : "XXVIII Santa Pola Half Marathon", "@language" : "en" }, { "@value" : "XXVIII Mitja Maraton Villa Santa Pola", "@language" : "ca" } ], ^^^Names in several languages "category" : [ "U23", "SEN", "M35", "M40", "M45"], "discipline" : "HM", "url": "http://www.mitjasantapola.com", "image": "http://www.mitjasantapola.com/+++santa_pola.png", "location": { "name": "Calle Muelle, Santa Pola", "map": "https://www.google.es/maps/@38.1900419,-0.5587148,17z", "geo": { "lat": 38.1900419, "lng" : -0.5587148, "elevation" : 17.2 }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Calle Muelle", "addressLocality": "Santa Pola", "postalCode": "03130", "addressCountry": "ESP" } }, "startDate": "2017-01-12", "endDate": "2017-01-13", "status": "Finished", "organizer": { "name": "Club Atletismo Santa Pola", "address": { "streetAddress": "Av. Albacete, 10", "addressLocality": "Santa Pola", "postalCode": "03130", "addressCountry": "ESP" }, "telephone" : "(+34) 966 69 00 99", "email": "atletismosantapola@gmail.com" }, "entryRequirements": "Athletes with RFEA Licence and…", "license": "IAAF-Bronze-Road-Race", "audience" : "International", … } The competiion may be "licensed" under a specific terms. This could be those permits you already mentioned. Can those *labels* be considered as licenses? Anyway, 'labels or permits' may be defined with an existing schema.org type (http://schema.org/Permit). For instance: { "type" : "Permit", "name" : "IAAF Copper Meeting Label", "issuedBy" : "IAAF", "validIn" : "Europe", … } It is clear that calendars consider, at least "national" and "international" The level of coverage of the competition could be also indicated with the expected "audience" of the competition: international audience, national audience? Talk to you tomorrow! Martin
Received on Tuesday, 28 November 2017 17:09:22 UTC