Re: Meeting 22 Nov (09:00 UTC)

On 22 November 2017 at 10:19, Nicolas Launois
<> wrote:
> Thanks Martin,

> - As under Competition Feature Type (7.7), there is the following feature:
> "feature:A Performance achieved at altitude", wouldn't it be interesteting
> to add an optional attribute "Altitude" to the class Place (6.13), allowing
> to give the altitude information of a specific venue.

This is good to include, and I believe it can also be determined
automatically from using latitude/longitude and geocoding APIs.   I
will add it to our venue database this month.

> - Does the data model allow to categorize the category of "competition" or
> "competition series" like it is done on the EA calendar ?(ex. World
> Championships, Area Championships, National Championships, IAAF meet, EAA
> meet, national label meet....).


> It doesn't bring value for that meet in
> itself, but that would be useful later, looking at the statistics angle, as
> it will allow to extract and group results of the same type.

There is another possible dimension to statistics, which is the actual
level of the best performances.  A National Championships in UK or
Germany is altogether different to the National Championships of
Liechtenstein or Montenegro.   Some small open meetings in big
countries are very high level.  We and Tilastopaja have also toyed
with some statistical measures, like the IAAF points achieved by the
top 10 performances present, or perhaps the best absolute performance
of the meeting.   It may be worth having some field like
"performanceLevel" and a taxonomy, or perhaps reducing it some
computable number - world class, elite, amateur, whatever.  This would
be very helpful to statisticians to say "did anything interesting
happen at that meeting?".  We will be able to calculate this.

- Andy

Received on Wednesday, 22 November 2017 11:38:05 UTC