- From: Owen Ambur <Owen.Ambur@verizon.net>
- Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2017 21:19:54 -0400
- To: "'Adam Sobieski'" <adamsobieski@hotmail.com>, <public-opengov@w3.org>, <public-egovernance@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <006f01d31c77$180df450$4829dcf0$@verizon.net>
With respect to open, transparent e-governance, a key performance indicator (KPI) will be implementation of section 10 <http://stratml.us/references/PL111-532StratML.htm#SEC10> of the GPRA Modernization Act (GPRAMA), which requires agencies to publish their strategic plans and performance reports in machine-readable format. Based upon new guidance provided in the August 1 release of OMB Circular A-11 <https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/whitehouse.gov/files/omb/assets/a11_current_year/a11_2017.pdf> , section 230.18, it appears the Trump administration will expect agencies to comply with that section of the law in the next release of their strategic plans, due in February. Another indicator will be implementation of the DATA Act <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Accountability_and_Transparency_Act_of_2014> . OMB Director Mulvaney has spoken highly of it: https://fcw.com/articles/2017/01/25/data-act-omb-mulvaney.aspx Chris Liddell, Director of Strategic Initiatives at the White House, is scheduled to deliver the keynote address at the Data Transparency 2017 conference <http://mailchi.mp/datafoundation/the-white-house-treasury-hhs-are-confirmed-for-data-transparency-2017-sep-26th-reserve-your-place-now?e=d038ee5cb2> on September 26. Might be a good opportunity to hear about the Trump administration’s plans for making government financial and performance data more open and machine-readable. In the meantime, the Performance.gov <https://obamaadministration.archives.performance.gov/> site versus the ExpectMore.gov <https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/omb/expectmore/> site demonstrates contrast between the Obama versus the G.W. Bush administration’s approach to making transparent the performance of taxpayer-funded programs. Owen Ambur Chair, <http://stratml.us/> StratML Committee Co-Chair Emeritus, <http://xml.govwebs.net/> xml.gov CoP Webmaster, <http://firmcouncil.org/> FIRM <https://www.linkedin.com/in/owenambur> Profile on LinkedIn | Personal <http://ambur.net/> Home Page From: Adam Sobieski [mailto:adamsobieski@hotmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2017 4:51 PM To: public-opengov@w3.org; public-egovernance@w3.org Subject: Re: Trump Administration Open Government Community Group, E-Governance Community Group, I found this information from the Sunlight Foundation: https://sunlightfoundation.com/tracking-trumps-attacks-on-transparency/ , https://sunlightfoundation.com/2017/07/20/trump-administration-open-government-record/ . Best regards, Adam Sobieski From: Adam Sobieski <mailto:adamsobieski@hotmail.com> Sent: Friday, July 14, 2017 12:12 AM To: public-opengov@w3.org <mailto:public-opengov@w3.org> , public-egovernance@w3.org <mailto:public-egovernance@w3.org> Open Government Community Group, E-Governance Community Group, Do any of the participants in these mailing lists know what the Trump administration’s vision is for advancing open and transparent governance and e-governance? Do any of the participants in these mailing lists have information of use for comparing and contrasting the new vision and initiatives with previous administrations’? Thank you, Adam Sobieski http://www.phoster.com/contents/
Received on Thursday, 24 August 2017 01:19:23 UTC