- From: Andreas Kuckartz <a.kuckartz@ping.de>
- Date: 14 Jun 2016 21:17:57 +0200
- To: "Open Government WG list" <open-government@lists.okfn.org>, "public-opengov@w3.org" <public-opengov@w3.org>
Yesterday a DRAFT of the German "Open Government Data Standard 2.0" was published on the Joinup platform of the European Commission: https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/asset/ogd2_0/description Be prepared: The title of the document is in English but the text is German. The specification is about "metadata". The plan is to make it a standard which is legally binding for all branches of the German government. Please submit comments / issues within the next six weeks: https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/asset/ogd2_0/issue/all And if you find that your issue has already been raised: feel free to add a comment supporting it ! Cheers, Andreas
Received on Tuesday, 14 June 2016 19:18:24 UTC