Hello. I would like to share a vision for real-time fact-checking: Wikifact.
Soon, people will be able to fact-check arbitrary portions of documents in word processors and Web browsers simply by selecting content, using context menus, and making use of crowdsourced, collaborative resources such as Wikifact.
People will be able to select content from social media websites, news articles, digital textbooks, or any other documents and websites, and then open context menus providing options for exploring, e.g., fact-checking, the selected content.
Use cases for the proposed project include journalism, fact-checking, rational skepticism, critical thinking, education, and science. The proposed project will also be of use for ensuring and enhancing government transparency and accountability.
With respect to the Web annotation model and protocol, in the current version of an explainer slideshow, it is indicated that the Web annotation model and protocol could be of use for people to be able to toggle visualizing contents previously fact-checked or processed on Wikifact for documents in their word processors or Web browsers.
Thank you. Comments, questions, and feedback welcomed!
Best regards,
Adam Sobieski