Body as svg code ?

Dear Web Annotation users,
I¹m thinking of using the Web Annotation Model to annotate documents, not
only with text but with embedded images captured as svg fragments.
In fact I want to do exactly what is described at § 3.2.4 of the spec :
"Embedded Textual Body" : Having a body created (but as a SVG element) at
the same time as the Annotation, without a separate IRI.
As apparently the ³value² attribute is only allowed with the type
TextualBody, can I write something like:
"body": {
    "type": "TextualBody",
    "value": "<svg> Š some SVG code Š</svg>",
    "format": "image/svg+xml"
Or is there some other way to achieve this ?
Best regards.

Received on Thursday, 9 November 2017 20:44:56 UTC