Re: Use Cases

Hi Rob,

I'm collaborating with some partners on a project on a use case for annotating subsets of geographic regions.  We are using this for annotating climate science and Earth observation datasets but this could have application within the broader remit of GIS applications.  Could this be relevant here or does it come under the category of 'data annotation' that you mention?  Maybe you or others on the list are aware of similar activities in this area.


On 24 Feb 2014, at 22:52, Robert Sanderson wrote:

> Dear all,
> The W3C Digital Publishing Interest Group is going to publish a working draft of a Note on Annotation use cases in the near future.  I have put a pre-working draft (whatever that means :) ) of the text up at:
> Any comments, corrections, additions, etc are very welcome!
> Thanks,
> Rob
> P.S. Bob, unfortunately data annotation directly isn't in scope of the IG work, but I've included it under the embedded resource use case to try and promote the discussion.

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Received on Friday, 28 February 2014 14:07:21 UTC