- From: Bob Morris <morris.bob@gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2013 11:49:20 +0200
- To: Rainer.Simon@ait.ac.at
- Cc: public-openannotation <public-openannotation@w3.org>
In the FilteredPush project we follow the solution of introducing a new skos concept oad:transcribing, but also more. If you use the oa:motivatedBy approach, my inclination would be to introduce two skos concepts, since both seem useful independently of one another. If, in his context it is important to link the two motivations, perhaps one can exploit skos-xl if skos:related is two vague, and if linking labels suffices. All that said, I wonder whether what you describe has as its actual requirement to signify some kind of scientific authority for the assertions of the annotation, both in Target and Body. If that is not a goal, ignore everything below. The FilteredPush project is intended to support, in part, quality control for digital representation of the specimen metadata lying in paper records of Natural History specimens, and those frequently involve transcription. We introduced a top level class oad:Evidence that we hang on the annotation itself. <theAnno> oad:hasEvidence :Evidence_0; oa:motivatedBy oad:transcribing; oa:hasTarget :theTarget; oa:hasBody :theBody; a oa:Annotation . :Evidence_0 a oad:Evidence, cnt:ContentAsText; dc:format "text/plain";> >>>> Hi, >>>> >>>> as some of you know, the Pelagios project is concerned with annotating >>>> place references in different types of documents. Our normal case is that we >>>> have one annotation body that is simply a URI representing the place. >>>> >>>> In some cases, however, we also want to attach an actual transcription >>>> of the place name as found in the document. To keep annotations coherent >>>> (cases without transcription vs. cases with transcription) I'd like to add >>>> the transcription as a separate, second body (which should be fine, I >>>> guess?). >>>> [...] cnt:characterEncoding "UTF-8" ; cnt:chars "Written on the sheet along with the annotation text 'Flora Neotropica.'"@en . :theTarget a oa:SpecificResource ; ... oa:hasSource <urn:lsid:biocol.org:col:15406> . ... :theBody a dwcFP:Identification; dwc:identifiedBy "C.H. Stirton"; dwc:scientificName "Ateleia gummifera"; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "D. Dietrich"; dwc:dateIdentified "1990". [...] This is intended to signify that the annotator is asserting that all the things written on the paper associated with the specimen <urn:lsid:biocol.org:col:15406> include the strings, classified by the dwc: vocabulary, and even more, namely the text 'Flora Neotropica'. Bob Morris -- Robert A. Morris Emeritus Professor of Computer Science UMASS-Boston 100 Morrissey Blvd Boston, MA 02125-3390 Filtered Push Project Harvard University Herbaria Harvard University email: morris.bob@gmail.com web: http://efg.cs.umb.edu/ web: http://wiki.filteredpush.org http://www.cs.umb.edu/~ram === The content of this communication is made entirely on my own behalf and in no way should be deemed to express official positions of The University of Massachusetts at Boston or Harvard University.
Received on Friday, 11 October 2013 09:49:48 UTC