Last draft comment: Core


Some last small comments on
Some of them made already, but I'm not sure they were explicitly rejected, or just forgotten...

1. Presentation of Dublin Core Type classes being re-used in 2.1.1
"The most common classes are listed in the table below" seems to be contradicted by the heading for that table, "Model". Unless the intention is to re-used *only* these classes, in which case it should be made explicit in the text.

2. In 2.1.3, what does "As such, these resources MUST NOT be re-expressed using FragmentSelectors" mean?

3. In Fig.
  oa:hasTarget <target1>.;
->  oa:hasTarget <target1> .

4. Mapping to Dublin Core in 2.2
In an earlier version oa:annotatedBy (resp. oa:annotatedAt, oa:serializedBy) was mapped to dcterms:creator (resp. dcterms:created, dcterms:publisher. I'm not sure why these mappings were removed, as they seem quite right and the mapping to PROV does not really replace them.

5. Relation between  oa:semanticTagging and oa:tagging in 2.3
I support Stian's interrogation (and his implicit proposal) at
"oa:semanticTagging is skos:narrowerThan (?) oa:tagging"
The spec should reflect that
oa:semanticTagging skos:narrower oa:tagging
otherwise it may be difficult to convince implementers to create semantic relations for their motivation extensions.



Received on Sunday, 3 February 2013 19:48:02 UTC