Digital Publishing Annotation Use Cases

Dear all,

The Digital Publishing Interest Group at the W3C is looking for use
cases around digital publishing in several areas, including social
reading and annotation.  The scope of a "digital publication" is
"electronic journals, magazines, news, or book publishing" but this is
somewhat loosely interpreted to include comics and other similar sorts
of things.

It would be great if we, as a group, could contribute to that effort
in providing a comprehensive set of use cases for annotating digital
publications. By participating in this exercise we stand to gain a lot
of exposure and credibility within the W3C world, and would put us in
good standing for any future move to a working group structure.  It
would also bring our requirements to the attention of the larger W3C
working groups such as CSS (for style), SVG (SvgSelector), HTML5 and
so forth.

Both Paolo and I are members of the IG, and I volunteered to organize
the collection of annotation use cases.  If you would be so kind as to
write up any use cases you have in this area, either in the OACG wiki
or simply replying in the thread, I'm very happy to transcribe them
into the W3C use case template for you.

Many thanks,



OA Use Case Wiki

Received on Tuesday, 20 August 2013 21:28:42 UTC