Re: Summary of agreed OA model

On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 10:42 AM, Stian Soiland-Reyes
<> wrote:

> Q1: What do we call this new model? "OA"?

So far we've been calling it "oa" for Open Annotation, but any two
letter acronym is going to compete with many others, for example Open
Access in this case.  It's not really a technical problem, as prefixes
for namespaces are arbitrary anyway and we have and
the open annotation w3c community group, so it should hit one or the
other in a search for the full name.

One other suggestion was oam for Open Annotation Model.

An issue that we ran into with OAC was the pronounciation differed a
lot.  Some people said O A C, and others "oak".  It would be nice for
people to always call it "Open Annotation", I think :)

> Could we put something similar on
> ?  It does say "open" in
> there..

I hope to have a full description of the baseline merged specification
written up very soon.  Until then, I think your summary is very good,
thanks for taking the time to write it up!


Received on Monday, 19 March 2012 14:59:17 UTC