I've made a Cookbook page in the wiki, and recorded a first draft of
one quick micro-example --- hamlet FRBR stuff

Copied below,


See also [
annotation ontology] wiki, which has similar materials but for the AO

== Cookbook ==

This page catalogues practical micro examples of annotation,
articulating how things are expressed in our data model

== FRBR/Hamlet example ==

* from Dan Brickley
* "I want to attach an annotation to the 2nd line of some soliloquy in
Hamlet, and have FRBR-ish handling such that my annotation is
available to maximum number of readers regardless of which
version/edition/copy ... of the text they have in their hands (and
** need to add concrete detail, eg. case where all expressions and
manifestations of the work have a matching target; or where only one
expression of Hamlet is a fair target.
** if we make the selector's too vague, they won't attach; if they're
too precise, many readers won't see annotations for most pages (even
on this super-famous text)

Received on Friday, 16 March 2012 17:47:07 UTC