Consulting on the future operating model for OpenActive

Hello OpenActive community,

As part of their work on OpenActive <>, the Open
Data Institute (ODI) is looking to the future and is conducting research on
how OpenActive should be led and managed going forward. The ODI wants to
understand the views of the community on how OpenActive should be stewarded
in the future, so that the initiative supports the goals of its

Currently, OpenActive has a simple governance structure:

   - A steering committee that sets the direction for the initiative
   - Practitioners' forums to provide a home for the people involved in the
   practical work around OpenActive
   - A W3C standards working group that maintains the data standards that
   OpenActive relies on for its technical operation.

To engage with the community on this, the ODI has put together a survey
The questions in this survey will seek to understand the priorities and
redlines of the community, which will help the OpenActive Steering
Committee to assess which organisational model should be employed by
OpenActive going forward. We hope to receive responses from across the
OpenActive community. The community includes anyone who is currently using
or benefitting from OpenActive, or would like to in the future. If this
includes you, we would love to receive your response to this survey.

We’d like this survey to reach as many people as possible, so please do
share with anyone who might be interested in contributing to the future of

Fill out the survey here

This research is really important in defining the future of the initiative,
and we welcome insight and feedback from the community. The results of this
survey will be shared with the Steering Committee
<> who will help prioritise an
organisational design to take forward. The OpenActive Steering Committee
consists of 10 individuals with experience across relevant sectors, who
offer guidance to the initiative, with the aim of ensuring it remains
sustainable in the long term.

It is worth noting that there are some restrictions on which models can be
pursued from a legal, financial or governance perspective, which means that
not every recommendation that arises from this community research will be
able to be taken forward.

*Other opportunities to take part*

We also want to hear from you in person, and the ODI will be hosting a Town
Hall style meeting, which will be an open forum for the OpenActive
community to meet with the ODI to share their thoughts and feedback on the
topic beyond this survey. This will take place online, on the 14th of March
at 10am. Please sign up here

This survey is expected to take approximately 15 minutes to fill out.
The survey will close on the *19th of March at midnight.*

Fill out the survey here


*Howard Askew (he/him), Senior Data Technologist *@
ODI, 5th Floor, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London, N1 9AG

Our new 5 Year Strategy
<> outlines the
guiding principles that we believe will help us realise our vision of a
world where data works for everyone / Image credit: Adrian Philpott (Human

Received on Tuesday, 7 March 2023 16:09:01 UTC