New Chair for the OpenActive W3C Community Group!

Dear all,

Just a note to say that our entry into OpenActive Phase 5 will be marked by
a new chair for the W3C Community Group, and any new Technical Working
Groups that might be formed as needed. The new chair will be Howard Askew (

It has been a very great pleasure working with all of you, and I'm glad to
be leaving the initiative in such capable hands.

On a personal note, one reason for the change is that I'll be leaving my
post at the ODI on 19 August. It's been a great three years and more, but
it felt like a good time for someone else to take the reins now that we're
in a new phase.

Thanks all. I'll be watching how the initiative develops with interest.



Timothy Hill (he/him)

Principal Technologist <>

+44 777 136 7903

The ODI, 5th Floor, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9AG

Received on Friday, 5 August 2022 14:03:47 UTC